get involved
Thanks to our incredibly supportive community, we’ve raised $4M for DIPG research. We need your help to do more.
There are so many ways to help. All you need to do is to say yes. you’ll be suprised how many people will support you. you may feel uneasy putting yourself out there, but the rewards are huge. The sense of accomplishment you get at the end of a fun run or event knowing your have hepled sick kids is invaluable.
Brain cancer is the biggest disease killer of Australia children, yet only attracts 5% of government funding. With awareness comes funding, and funding is critical to enable researchers to find answers and treatments for this deadly disease.
fun runs
Thinking of doing a fun run? Creating your own fundrasing page for Levi’s Project is super easy. Simply click on this link and hit the yellow ‘fundraise” button to set up your own page. Add an email address and a password and personalise with a photo and a blurb about your event and why you’re doing it. Finally, send the link to friends and family and post it on socials, and away you go! If you have any questions, email us here.
fun run champions
Amy and Jake set themselves a fun, achievable goal and helped kids with cancer
upcoming fun runs
Want to get fit and raise some money for Levi’s Projec this year? Here’s some fun runs near you
Don’t be daunted by putting on an event. So many of our supporters say how easy it is once you take the plunge. We’ve had people dream up everything from lemondade stands to book stores, race days, cricket days, fun runs, golf days, raffles, charity fairs, christmas tree selling, soccer days and much more. If you have an idea or need an idea, drop us a line here and we’d be happy to help.
Past events
Need some inspiration or motivation to put on your own event with us? See how others have done it.
Whether you have pocket money, birthday money, Return and Earn money, money from a car wash, sale, paper run, a yearly bonus, a bit extra in your wages… NO amount. whether it’s $5 or $5000, is too big or too small. Every dollar is seen, appreiciated and put to work in the labs of Children’s Cancer Institute. Head to the Levi’s Project’s page to make your doantion and you will be issued a tax deductable receipt. Don’t forget to leave us a message. We love hearing why you chose to donate.
Monthly giving
Give a little each month and you’ll be suprised how quickly it adds up. Monthly giving is a great way to ease the financial load for a cause that you’re passoinate about. If you want to become a monthly giver, head to the Levi’s Project’s page, enter your donation amount and choose the ‘monthly’ option. All donations are tax deductable. Don’t forget to leave us a message. We love hearing why you chose to donate.
partner with us
Artisan Exterior raised $10,00 in little over a week when they engaged their customers, suppliers and clients to give to Levi’s Project in the lead-up to Christmas 2022. They double matched donatoins up to $5000 and created a phenomenal opporutnity to raise awareness and funds for kids with cancer.
We’ve had many successful parnterships with individuals and businesses who want to make a difference, from collaborating with Cronulla Golf and Cronulla Seagulls Football Club on events, to working with Innovative Loans, Artisan Exterior and the Abel Group on customer giving, to partnering with The Jungle Adventure Play to create a Childhood Cancer Awareness Month campaign. If you want to help your business, clients or customers connect to a great cause and raise much-needed funds at the same time, get in touch here.
positive partnerships
Innovative Home Loans director Lee Rosenfeld took part in CEO Dare to Cure in 2022. He was so inspired he wanted to do more, so he and his dedicated team will donate a portion of every loan they assist in in 2023 to Levi’s Project. Get in touch here if you want use your business to make a difference.
Sponsorships are what make our events sing. For some events, we rely on the the support of our incredibly generous sponsors to raise maximum funds for brain cancer research and elevate our events to the next level. Some of our recent sponsorships have been with Vena Energy, HRS, Gray Nicolls, REMAX, Walshs and I-Med Radiaolgoy Network. Email us here if you want like to talk about sponsorship opportunities.
Match made in heaven
Events like our Churchie Cricket Cup could not go ahead without the support of our generous sponsors, who helped us raise $45,000
double your impact
Matt’s former workplace, Macquarie Group, has matched an incredible $150K in funds for Levi’s Project through workplace giving. Read Matt’s story below.
As a father of 3 young kids, the unimaginable tragedy of losing a child is something I can not fathom. Being close friends of Ben and Kath Wheeler, made the heart wrenching story of their son Levi’s DIPG diagnosis touch a heart string I did not know existed. From the outset, I made it a priority to help in any way I could. Making use of the Macquarie Foundation matching program, I set up a page for Levi’s Project with all donations made being matched or on various occasions double matched.
Over the past 3 years, the Macquarie Foundation has matched in excess of $150k in support of Levi’s Project via both donation matching and targeted fundraising events in support of the cause. My part in all of this has been speardheading a number of events for Levi’s Project, inluding a cricket match and an event at our Martin Place offices during Foundation Week, as well as raising awareness of Levi’s Project, the fantastic work being done and importantly but painfully telling the story of Levi and why the charity was set up.
Once people hear the story, I feel a similar heart string is discovered in all who hear it and the support comes easy. With sometimes an overwhelming amount of choice on where to direct your charitable giving, it has been encouraging to know that all funds donated are being directly allocated to the efforts in finding a cure to this terrible disease, a cancer which tragically has a 0% survival rate and heartbreakingly targets children. Supporting this cause is easy when the you tell the story of Levi and the awareness of the work being done at Levi’s Project is highlighted.
The TODAY Show turned rain into rainbows when they featured Goals for Levi